Posts tagged Brenton Tarrant
Muslim leader Yahya Cholil Staquf: Need to address 'problematic elements of Islamic orthodoxy' after Christchurch attack

There has been little real learning from the New Zealand mosque attack that could shape what we do in the future. However, on Mar. 24, there was a remarkable article in the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph that suggests at least one way forward.

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Brenton Tarrant’s Mein Kampf: Inside the manifesto of New Zealand’s mosque shooter

Brenton Tarrant is becoming a sickeningly familiar figure in the modern West: an angry, disaffected,  lone wolf who finds purpose and community online with extremists who offer an escape from the wrenching dislocations of modernity through a blood-soaked path to redemption. His manifesto resembles a ISIS recruitment video, giving a heroic and cosmic meaning to an apocalyptic act of terror.

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