Posts tagged Church of Christ
Brazilian Missionaries Bring The Gospel To Fellow Immigrants In Florida

The Borbas never expected to become missionaries to their people in a foreign land.  Yet three visas and almost 10 years later, Maikon Borba had graduated from Harding with a degree in Bible and missions and moved his family 36 miles north of Miami. 

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Nashville Churches Break Record In Walk4Water Fundraiser For Wells In Africa

A recent fundraiser drew the most participants ever for a Walk4Water event benefiting the Nashville-based humanitarian aid organization, which is associated with Churches of Christ. Greater Together, a group of Nashville-area congregations that organized four rousing multi-congregational worship gatherings last summer, coordinated the Walk4Water.

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Christian Organization Predisan Provides Preaching, Healing In Honduras

Christian organization Predisan offers health care and pastoral services through its ministry in Honduras, a Central American nation of 9.7 million people that has reported nearly 345,000 infections and 9,050 deaths since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

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American Christian Ministry Delivers Desperately Needed Surgeries In Honduras

A team of surgeons from Atlanta has returned to Honduras — brought in by the Christian organization Predisan Health Ministries — to provide treatment to people who can’t afford to go to the Central American country’s private clinics. Some of those people have been waiting decades for an operation.

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Flood Swamps Tennessee Church’s Building — For The Second Time

The Pinewood Church of Christ in Nunnelly, Tenn., had to rebuild after devastating floods swamped the Volunteer State in May 2010. More than a decade later, a deluge again has ravaged the Hickman County congregation’s meeting place.

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Will Candice McQueen really be the first female president of a Church of Christ university?

Candice McQueen made history last week as the first woman chosen to lead a university associated with Churches of Christ. Or did she? Some scholars want to make a case for the late Meta Chestnutt Sager, a pioneer Oklahoma educator who led a Christian college in Indian territory before its closing.

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In city where George Floyd died, minister emerges as key champion for justice

The Minneapolis Central Church of Christ, led by Russell A. Pointer Sr., is the only predominately Black Church of Christ in the state. The church serves its community, feeding over 200 families a week and more. And, just six miles away from the convenience store where George Floyd was killed, the church has become a center fighting for justice. “The fight has just started,” Pointer Sr. says.

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Botham Jean Act would clarify the Texas ‘Castle Doctrine’

Ministers from Churches of Christ on Monday joined Texas lawmakers and the family of Botham Jean at the Texas State Capitol in Austin to promote the Botham Jean Act — a bill proposed to ensure systemic accountability for Texans in their own home in response to Botham Jean’s murder in 2018.

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An unfathomable toll: Christians mourn loved ones lost to COVID-19

Worldwide, more than 2.6 million deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. Christians are reflecting on the loss of their family members and loved ones to the virus. “This is an opportunity for the church to mourn with those who mourn. And there are a lot of people mourning,” said one pastor in Ohio.

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A simpler church: where Christian communities are headed after COVID-19

It’s clear, thanks to COVID-19, that the church is not a building. In a post-pandemic world, some ask: Why have a building at all?

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Most Christians Welcome The COVID-19 Vaccines, But Some Remain Skeptical

A majority of Christians view the coronavirus shots as an answer to prayer, a survey conducted by The Christian Chronicle finds. Nationwide, roughly three-quarters of 200 members of Churches of Christ who responded to the survey said they intend to get vaccinated or already have.

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New congressman, a Christian and former Trump doctor, reflects on Capitol riot

'A fight or flight kind of thing kicks in,' Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, says of his Jan. 6 experience.

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COVID-19 Claims Lindy McDaniel, Retired Major-League Pitcher And Longtime Preacher

McDaniel, 84, served as an elder of a 50-member congregation northeast of Dallas. He is known for a career with the St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, San Francisco Giants, New York Yankees and Kansas City Royals — and for his devout Christian faith and service.

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Christian Astronaut — And His Communion Cups — Lifting Off On Space Mission

Victor Glover is a NASA astronaut and one of four crew members for the SpaceX Crew Dragon’s first operational flight that launched this weekend. He’ll rely on his Bible and prayer to deal with isolation at the International Space Station.

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Black Conservative Clergy Question Why BLM Edited Its 'About' Page

Black Lives Matter erased a page from their official website that included a controversial manifesto that’s been debated in Christian circles grappling with how to support efforts to fight racism without sacrificing Christian beliefs. Conservative Clergy of Color, a Christian ministers’ organization organized against the Black Lives Matter movement, is questioning the reason for BLM’s wording change.

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Despite Petition, Harding To Keep George S. Benson’s Name On Its Chapel Venue

Harding University alumnus Jackson House began a petition to remove the name of George S. Benson’s name from the school’s chapel. The school’s president announced that they will keep the name on the chapel, but that the school will take efforts to amplify Black voices on campus.

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Church of Christ ministers call for racial justice in wake of police misconduct

A group of black ministers from Churches of Christ across the country penned a letter calling for justice in the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Dreasjon Reed, Breonna Taylor and Floyd. The letter has been signed by a diverse group of more than 300 Christians.

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Texas congregants fired back at gunman who killed two worshipers

A gunman opened fire during the Lord’s Supper at a Church of Christ in Texas Dec. 29, killing two worshipers. Armed members immediately returned fire and killed the shooter at the West Freeway Church of Christ in the Fort Worth suburb of White Settlement.

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