Posts tagged Pro-life
Church And State Divide: Why Poland’s New Government Is Challenged By Abortion

(ANALYSIS) When Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk formed a coalition government in 2023 committed to making “historic changes,” he promised to improve the country’s track record on women’s rights. Noticeably absent in the coalition’s agreement, however, was any specific wording on access to abortion, one of the most controversial issues under the previous government.

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Has The Pro-Life Movement Lost Its Way?

(OPINION) It seems to me that the pro-life movement has lost its way. Sure, there are outward signs of success. Roe v. Wade was overturned. Roe was a bad decision, and overturning it was a good thing. But — as I have written elsewhere — we are now discovering that how one wins is as important as what one wins.

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Pregnancy Resource Centers Save Lives And Change Hearts And Minds

(OPINION) For decades, the pro-life movement in America was essentially a grassroots movement. The soul of this movement was compassion. That compassion was most evident in the network of more than 3,000 pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) that had grown up around the nation. Many of them have been part of two large networks called Care Net and Heartbeat International.

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Pro-Abortion ‘Rage Giving’ May Be Down, But Pro-Life Support Remains Strong

Recently, the Chronicle of Philanthropy published an article saying that “rage giving” to abortion advocacy groups after the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022 has dropped off. MinistryWatch spoke to several pro-life ministries to see how giving has been for them in the last year, and all reported that donors remain generous in the cause of protecting the unborn.

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The Bible Doesn’t Say Life Begins At Conception

(OPINION) I don’t take abortion any more lightly than I take lightly the indiscriminate nature of promiscuity that appears to have infested our culture. But I still cannot find it in me, or in Holy Scripture, to support a trigger law or pretend that the removal of 12 cells not a nanosecond following conception could justly be deemed “murder.” Yet anti-abortion adherents often tout the slogan “abortion is murder.”

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Police Arrest Woman Who Allegedly Vandalized New York Pregnancy Center

A suspect has been arrested for another attack against a pro-life pregnancy help center in upstate New York. Hannah Kamke, 39, was arrested on Saturday, March 25, by the Amherst Police Department. She was charged with one count of criminal mischief for spray painting a sign at the Amherst CompassCare location on March 16.

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Firebombed Pregnancy Center Conducts Private Investigation Into Violence

A pro-life pregnancy center firebombed last June in Buffalo, New York, has decided to conduct its own investigation into the violence. CompassCare, a ministry to women in crisis pregnancies that has been operating since 1980, incurred over $500,000 in damage to its facility due to the violence.

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Pre-Born! Ministry Grows, Finds Success In Mission To ‘Save Babies And Souls’

Until recently, Pre-Born! has flown under the radar and operated in the background of the pro-life movement by supporting pregnancy help centers as a grant writer and support system. But in the last couple years, it has seen exponential growth by engaging in partnerships with Christian and conservative radio programs.

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Two Christian Women Reflect On Their Experiences Placing A Child For Adoption

Two Christian women, 18 years and a half-continent apart, faced painfully similar decisions — what to do about the baby. Yet, a generation later, their work with women and children confronting difficult circumstances has brought them to different conclusions about abortion.

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RIP Ron Sider: An Evangelical Caught In Political Crossfire

(OPINION) Through it all, American activist and Mennonite theologian Ronald J. Sider refused to compromise on core Christian doctrines and warned believers to be realistic about what political warfare can, and cannot, accomplish.

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Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Outnumber Abortion Clinics, Offer Tangible Help

While there has been a prevailing narrative since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June that pro-lifers don’t care about women, the facts tell a different story. For over 50 years, even preceding the Roe v. Wade decision, Christians have been serving women in unexpected or crisis pregnancies.

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Pro-Life Ministries Stay The Course To End Abortion In A Post-Roe Nation

With the United States Supreme Court’s decision last month in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case to overturn almost 50 years of a federally recognized right to abortion, anti-abortion ministries across the country are not closing their doors.

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Christian Adoption Agencies Offer Insight Into Impact Of Abortion Bans, Restrictions

Christian adoption agencies help women with unplanned pregnancies make a way forward for themselves and their babies. But with new abortion restrictions, they are seeing a flood of new women seeking assistance.

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Pro-Life Speaker Jennifer Christie’s Career Unravels Over Unverified Sexual Assault Claim

Jennifer Christie’s story of giving birth to a child conceived through rape was set to be published in a book from Focus on the Family and Tyndale House, and she signed a contract with Ambassador Speakers Bureau. Now, the book and speaking contract have been canceled amid concerns of the veracity of her story.

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Christian Pro-Life Ministries Have Been Caring For Women And Babies For Generations

(OPINION) The idea that pro-lifers don’t care for babies after they are born has been a convenient slander hurled against pro-life Christians. But more than 2,500 pro-life pregnancy resource centers are committed to helping women make life-giving choices, and they often support these women for years after their babies are born.

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RNC Recap: On Third Night, a Rabbi, Nun and former NFL player praise Trump

The third night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) opened with a prayer from Rabbi Shubert Spero and included White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Catholic nun Deirdre Byrne, a mother whose doctor told her to abort her son with Down Syndrome and former NFL player Jack Brewer all discussing their faith in God, and in Trump to keep his promises.

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'AKA Jane Roe' documentary misrepresents her work, pro-life activists say

The FX program airing Friday says Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the U.S., made a “deathbed confession” that she was not pro-life and that pro-life organizations paid her nearly $500,000 during the decades she spoke out for the pro-life cause. However, the film doesn’t make it clear that many of these payments were fees for speaking engagements, and those who knew her insist her conversion to Christianity and repentance of pro-choice activism was genuine.

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What is the 'pro-life' choice in deciding whether to reopen America?

(OPINION) Most states are on a timeline to reopen businesses and lift shelter-in-place guidelines. The issue has become largely partisan, but in conservative Christian circles there is some debate about the morality of how we balance the economy and public health.

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Pro-life activism extends to issues beyond abortion

(OPINION) Human trafficking, immigration and poverty are all linked to unplanned pregnancy. Sermons are necessary methods of communication to explain what those links are and how members of the church can help.

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